In a shocking turn of events, the Archwell Foundation, spearheaded by Megan and Harry, has come under scrutiny following an eye-opening YouTube investigation conducted by a French researcher.
This investigation not only shed light on the foundation’s questionable practices but also uncovered some disturbing details about Megan’s mother, Doria Ragland.
The investigation took an unexpected turn when the researcher visited Archwell’s legal office in Delaware.
As he captured the moment on camera, his voice echoed through the empty space, and to his surprise, a lone secretary appeared at the entrance.
This discovery led the researcher to believe that Archwell’s profits may be derived from lawsuits.
Delving further into Doria Ragland’s past, it was revealed that she had a criminal record, which she managed to clear before becoming a registered social worker.
It took her four years to gather enough funds to bribe the authorities for this favor.
Interestingly, Doria pursued a master’s degree in sociology while incarcerated, a fact that was shared by a pair of twins on YouTube.
The YouTube video also highlighted Doria’s involvement in various unfulfilled projects, including the Archwell Foundation.
Additionally, it was discovered that licensed social workers in the US hold significant power, enabling them to operate aged care facilities and handle trust funds for the elderly.
These revelations raised concerns about Doria’s ability to effectively manage such responsibilities.
Turning the focus to Megan, her penchant for manifesting her desires in the public eye was discussed.
The concept of manifesting, popularized by the book “The Secret,” has been evident in Megan’s pursuit of various ventures, such as becoming a RomCom creator for Netflix and a brand ambassador for Dior.
It is believed that Megan’s interest in manifesting stemmed from her exposure to “The Secret” during an episode of Oprah in 2004, when she was just 23 years old.
One of the experts featured on the show was Reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith, a former drug dealer turned religious leader.
It is speculated that Megan’s mother, Doria, who was known to use marijuana, may have crossed paths with Reverend Beckwith during her exploration of alternative new age religions.
Their connection could explain Doria’s intermittent presence in Megan’s life.
While acknowledging Doria’s commendable achievement of earning a master’s degree, it is important to note her frequent attendance at Agape Spiritual Center, founded by Reverend Beckwith.
This raises questions about the influence of this spiritual center on both Megan and Doria.
In a surprising twist, Harry and Megan were photographed during a socially distanced Mother’s Day visit with Archie in Los Angeles.
This visit seemed to align with the principles of manifesting and the spirituality promoted by Agape’s founder.
Moreover, there have been rumors that Harry has been involved in ayahuasca retreats, which draw inspiration from indigenous spiritual practices.
In conclusion, it appears that Megan’s ideas about manifesting may have been influenced by “The Secret,” a book promoted by Doria’s spiritual center, Agape.
While Doria’s questionable past, including her alleged involvement in the pot scene, adds another layer of complexity to this story, it is crucial to separate her personal history from her achievements.
However, the connections between Doria, Reverend Beckwith, and Megan’s interest in manifesting raise intriguing questions about the motivations behind their actions.