Walking a financial tightrope simply to survive.
Harry and Meghan’s future in Hollywood looks pretty grim and 2024 is a year that is either going to make or more likely break them.
At this point in time, my friends, I just kind of wish we could stop seeing all these articles being put out claiming that Harry and Meghan have got to try to find a way to turn things around or 2024 is going to be the year that makes or breaks Harry and Meghan or they’ve got to find a new act in 2024.
I think it’s about time to stop all this.
If they don’t do something, this is going to happen.
They’re not going to do whatever it is to save their careers.
Harry and Meghan’s careers in the US and really everywhere for that matter are done.
And now the only question is what are they going to do next?
From my perspective, it is way too late for Harry and Meghan to turn things around.
I mean, they’ve already been dumped by Spotify for, well, not being willing to put in any real work and the work they did do being absolutely abysmal.
Netflix reportedly is about ready to follow suit.
And why would Netflix want to hang on to those two?
They’re lazy.
They’re grifters.
They don’t do anything to help the company.
Netflix cares about Netflix first and foremost.
They don’t care about a couple of losers they signed on back in 2020 who at the time seem promising.
According to the Express, a senior studio executive yesterday blasted the royal couple’s alarming lack of content and bleakly forecast they could find themselves walking a financial tightrope simply to survive.
Well, if you ask me, they’re already walking on this tightrope and they’re not doing a very good job either.
It seems like maybe all that weed they’ve been smoking has messed with their balance because it looks to me like they’re about to fall off.
I mean, at this point, the two of them don’t have any money coming in.
Where could the money possibly be coming from?
At this point, I don’t see how any of Harry’s inheritance money could possibly be left over.
Just think about the amount of money they spend on that home, on Meghan’s wardrobe, on security.
Their living expenses are astronomical.
And this is also why I don’t believe Meghan’s going to stick around for much longer.
Once the money runs out, you know a gold digger like her is not going to stick around.
And sure, Harry and Meghan still have that Netflix contract.
But are they going to be able to actually produce anything for Netflix?
As the source cautioned, This is a make-or-break year for them in every sense.
Either their company turns this project into a success, or they could face a financial nightmare if Netflix pulls the plug on a new contract with them in 2025.
Now, of course, the project the source is referring to is this meet-me-at-the-lake.
It was a book, and Netflix has bought the rights to adapt the book to make a movie.
And supposedly, Archewell Productions is going to be handling this project.
And Harry and Meghan are going to put on their producer hats?
The story doesn’t make a bit of sense.
I do not believe for one second that Netflix is going to take that risk.
I mean, Netflix right now is not doing very well financially.
In 2023, they lost so many subscribers.
I simply don’t believe they’re going to let those two idiots try their hand at something that will most likely be a colossal failure.
This idea that 2024 is the year that is going to make or break them also lines up with what Tom Bauer has been saying.
So he went on Talk TV, and he said that Harry and Meghan have only made money since they got to the U.S. by exposing their own unhappiness with the royal family.
He went on to say, As usual, I think Tom is spot on here.
At this point in time, talking about what Harry and Meghan need to do to succeed in Hollywood or New York or anywhere else in America is just beating a dead horse.
It’s time for them to give it up and figure out some new career for themselves.
But I guess the problem is they can’t figure out anything else.
They don’t have talent.
They don’t have any marketable skills.
They don’t really even have the education to support themselves.
So what are they going to do?
Well, I still suspect that all these little stories coming out about how dire things are for Harry and Meghan are preparing us for the inevitable divorce in 2024.
We are going to hear that Harry and Meghan really tried to make things work, but it was just too difficult.
And so now Harry has decided that he can’t possibly be happy in the U.S., and he’s got to go back home to his family in the U.K.
But Meghan couldn’t possibly return to the U.K.
Her heart is in Hollywood, so she’s going to stay.
And we’re going to hear they are splitting up.
And after the divorce announcement, I suspect that’s when things are going to get really dirty.
And we’ll be here with popcorn to watch it all.
Okay, my friends, and now discussion time.
Today, I’m going to be talking about the comments that you all left in response to the video.
Absolute betrayal.
Charles slaps William by offering Sussex forgiveness and new royal roles.
In this video, I was sharing with you this article that I came across in Life & Style magazine, claiming that King Charles has not only forgiven Harry and Meghan, but he’s offering them new royal roles.
And he is choosing Harry over William.
Well, of course, I thought this article was a big steaming pile of BS, and I listed all the reasons why.
But let’s see what you all had to say.
The first comment comes to us from ablondonsw.
Unless the new roles involve the trader and his wife being put in stocks and having rotten tomatoes, eggs, etc.
hurled at them on a daily basis, it would be completely unfeasible because the British public simply would not see them fit for anything else.
I mean, I agree with you 100%.
I think most people in Britain do.
And that’s why the whole idea is absolutely ludicrous.
I mean, who would believe this news?
And then Barbara says, if this were true, if I were Prince William, I would gather my wife and children, fill my pockets with my billions, and move to another country.
That would be such a betrayal for William’s extreme loyalty.
I don’t believe a word of it.
You’re right, Barbara.
I mean, I don’t know what idiot would believe this story.
The king would never do that to William.
William is his loyal heir.
William and Catherine and the children, like I said before, are the future of the monarchy.
The king is not going to do anything to put that at risk.
And then Wendy says, another trick from the Harkles.
Exactly, because at this point in time, they are crashing and burning.
All they can really do are these little tricks they like to play with the media.
That’s the only way they can keep themselves going.
Next up, a comment from Kate London.
Kate says, as usual, Meghan Markle is just paying for puff pieces to publish her fantasies about what she would like to manifest.
Like Meghan Markle is on the verge of signing an ambassador deal with Dior, Meghan Markle is overwhelmed with acting offers.
Her staff has never seen anything like it.
Catherine is so jealous of Meghan Markle’s beauty, style, and grace.
Yeah, right.
I put this, King Charles is going to carve out new roles for the Sussexes because he chose Harry over William in the same camp.
Um, okay, Meghan Markle.
Stick to your delusions and your truth.
It’s working great for you.
Kate, I feel the same as you.
I mean, these puff pieces are just so outrageous.
That’s part of why I don’t understand why they even bother with them.
It’s so clear when the stuff comes from Meghan Markle and her team.
Because it’s not like they even bother trying to make it sound believable.
You know what I wish for 2024?
I wish Meghan would keep her delusions to herself.