In a somber response to the devastating events that unfolded in Southport, King Charles has publicly expressed his condolences following a horrific incident that claimed the lives of two young girls.
The tragedy, which left three people dead and nine others injured, has sent shockwaves through the community and beyond.
In an emotional Instagram post, the King condemned the attack and shared his deep sorrow for those affected.
The distressing news has not only horrified the King but also his wife, who joined him in conveying their heartfelt sympathies.
In a letter addressed to the families mourning their loved ones, they offered prayers and support during this unimaginably difficult time.
Their message resonated with compassion, stating, “We send our most heartfelt condolences, prayers, and deepest sympathies.”
The incident occurred during a dancing workshop in Southport, themed around popular artist Taylor Swift, where approximately 25 children aged between six and eleven were present.
Eyewitness accounts reveal a chilling scene: a masked assailant, armed with a knife, reportedly arrived in a taxi and began attacking both children and adults who attempted to intervene.
This shocking act of violence has left many in disbelief.
Authorities swiftly responded, with officers from Merseyside Police apprehending a male suspect and seizing a weapon at the scene.
While the situation was alarming, officials have indicated that there is no current evidence linking the stabbings to terrorism.