Prince Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex, finds himself in a state of dismay and disappointment following the recent judgment passed by the High Court concerning his personal security arrangements in the United Kingdom.
This development stems from his departure from the country in 2020, which led to the withdrawal of his security detail by the authoritative Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures, under the oversight of the Home Office.
Despite his efforts to challenge this decision partially back in July 2022, the High Court ultimately upheld the ruling on Wednesday, February 28.
Renowned royal expert Gertrude Daly from Goertz Royals has shed light on Prince Harry’s emotional reaction to this verdict, describing it as deeply distressing.
Daly opined that the level of security that Prince Harry and his family will now receive going forward is likely to mirror what they have been accustomed to in the UK over the past few years.
She foresees no significant impact on Prince Harry’s future visits to the UK for events like the Invictus Games.
However, Daly raised concerns about the potential implications of these decisions on whether Prince Harry will opt to bring his children along on any future trips across the ocean, hinting that such visits might be brief and child-free.
The decision regarding the presence of his children during visits significantly influences the amount of personal time Prince Harry and his family might spend in the UK.
Daly suggested that this choice could serve as a convenient justification for keeping the children away and rationalizing their lives in California.
She emphasized the necessity of security for the Sussex family but noted that they have deemed private security as generally adequate, with police protection available when required for public engagements.
Similar to other public figures, celebrities, and affluent individuals facing threats like stalkers, the modern private security sector is well-equipped to manage such risks.
Commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti echoed Daly’s perspective, asserting that this ruling should not hinder Prince Harry’s ability to return to the UK.
Sacerdoti pointed out that he could simply finance his security, akin to numerous high-profile celebrities who opt to reside in the limelight.
He suggested that if Prince Harry genuinely feels endangered, he could utilize a portion of the substantial earnings from his book deals and Netflix collaborations.
Sacerdoti expressed a belief shared by many Britons that there is reluctance to allocate public funds towards protecting someone who voluntarily left the country and consistently undermines the royal family in public, contrasting situations where royals actively serve the nation.
In conclusion, the High Court ruling on Prince Harry’s UK security arrangements has left him grappling with mixed emotions while contemplating the possibility of keeping his children away from the country in the future.