Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have raised concerns at Buckingham Palace as fears grow that they could become “royals for hire.”
The couple, who are struggling to fund their luxurious lifestyle, may force King Charles to financially support them.
In an attempt to issue a threat to the royal family and taxpayers, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been exploring various avenues in the entertainment industry to generate income.
Their costly security needs and a $9.5 million mortgage for their Montecito mansion in California have added to their financial strain.
Adding to the speculation, Meghan and Harry made an unexpected visit to Jamaica this week to attend the premiere of the Bob Marley documentary, “One Love,” where they showed support for the Marley family.
Paramount Pictures, the film’s distributor, hosted the couple as guests.
This unexpected appearance has sparked rumors of a potential deal between Paramount and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, further fueling concerns that they could indeed become “royals for hire.”
Despite a possible boost in funding from the Queen’s will, Meghan and Harry continue to face high expenses due to their extensive security costs and lavish Californian lifestyle.
An insider revealed that suggestions were made for the couple to downsize their residence and live more modestly, but the need for security was cited as a non-negotiable requirement.
The couple reportedly employs a long list of private security guards at their mansion and works closely with security experts Torchstone, including former bodyguards of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
While Prince Harry remains employed as the chief impact officer at BetterUp, a mental health coaching startup, reports have emerged that he has faced criticism from the company’s staff, with one employee claiming that Harry has contributed nothing.
Last August, the firm allegedly laid off 16% of its workforce.
This situation, coupled with their desperate attempts to secure funding, raises questions about the couple’s future endeavors and potential involvement with controversial public figures.
It is clear that money alone will not deter Meghan and Harry from pursuing their goals.
Their desperation appears to be growing, leading them to engage in increasingly extravagant stunts in an attempt to remain relevant.
However, these efforts only serve to make them appear foolish and further undermine their credibility.
Their attempts at blackmail, as laughable as they may be, demonstrate their greed and self-obsession.
King Charles, on the other hand, cannot afford to support the couple in the manner they expect.
The expenses associated with their mansion, security, and Markle’s wardrobe would deplete the income from the Duchy of Lancaster.
As a result, if Meghan and Harry continue to pursue selling their titles, the only viable solution may be for the titles to be stripped from them.
This would leave them with no royal connections or privileges, forcing them to rely solely on their own hard work.
Allowing the couple to hit rock bottom without any special deals or royal entitlements may serve as a much-needed lesson for both Meghan and Harry.
King Charles is unlikely to believe that throwing money at them will silence their demands.
He has demonstrated his astuteness by recognizing the grifters’ trap when they demanded a public apology for mistreating Meghan.